Available courses

This course is designed for learners who already have a strong grasp of English grammar and conversation skills but aim to refine and enhance their proficiency to an upper-advanced level. Throughout this course, participants will engage in advanced-level grammar concepts and extensive conversational practice to further develop their language abilities.

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This course is tailored for learners who possess a strong foundation in English grammar and conversation and aim to further enhance their proficiency to an advanced level. Throughout this course, participants will delve into advanced grammar concepts and engage in extensive conversational practice to refine their language skills.
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This course is designed for learners who have a basic understanding of English grammar and conversation and wish to progress to an intermediate level. Throughout this course, participants will explore intermediate-level grammar concepts and engage in conversational activities to strengthen their language skills.

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Dalam kursus ini anda akan mempelajari 

  • Mendalamkan pemahaman tata bahasa bahasa Inggris untuk meningkatkan kefasihan berbicara dan menulis.
  • Menguasai kosakata dan frasa yang berguna untuk berkomunikasi dalam berbagai konteks sosial dan profesional.
  • Meningkatkan keterampilan percakapan aktif dan mendengarkan melalui latihan yang terfokus dan beragam.


The objective of this courses is to achieve TOPIK certification from level 3-6 

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The objective of this Korean Language Basic course is to learn Korean from the most basic (Hangeul) to the daily conversation level.

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The TOEFL Prediction Preparation Class is specifically designed to help you achieve your desired scores in the TOEFL exam. TOEFL is an international standard commonly used to assess the English language proficiency of non-native speakers, particularly those looking to pursue education or work in English-speaking environments.

In this class, you will be guided by experienced instructors who will help you understand the structure of the TOEFL exam, improve your listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills, and provide specific strategies for each section of the exam. We will also provide practical exercises similar to the questions you will face in the actual exam, so you can feel more confident when taking it.

Additionally, this class will introduce you to various techniques and tricks to enhance your learning efficiency, such as time management, answer choice strategies, and effective ways to prepare yourself before exam day.

Class Objectives:

  1. Understanding the structure and format of the TOEFL exam.
  2. Improving listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills in English.
  3. Acquiring effective strategies for tackling each section of the TOEFL exam.
  4. Building confidence when facing the TOEFL exam.
  5. Achieving the desired TOEFL score to reach your academic or professional goals.

Who Should Take This Class:

  • Those planning to take the TOEFL exam in the near future.
  • Students or professionals needing a TOEFL score for enrollment in educational institutions or work programs.
  • Anyone looking to improve their English language skills in general.

Prerequisites: There are no formal prerequisites. This class is suitable for beginners to advanced learners.

Learning Method: This class will utilize a mix of interactive learning, including lectures, group discussions, practical exercises, assignments, and direct feedback from the instructor.

Don't Wait Any Longer! Join the TOEFL Prediction Preparation Class now to start your journey towards success in the TOEFL exam!

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The TOEFL Advanced Course is designed for English language learners with intermediate to advanced proficiency levels who seek to refine their skills and strategies to achieve higher scores in the TOEFL exam.

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The TOEFL Foundation Course is tailored for individuals with beginner to intermediate levels of English proficiency who aim to establish a solid foundation in English language skills essential for success in the TOEFL exam. This course emphasizes the development of listening, structure and written expression and reading comprehension, along with vocabulary enhancement.
